May 16, 2024| 0 minute read

How to fix the “_reactRedux.connect) is not a function” error in React/Redux

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Recently a learner asked a question regarding how to fix the “_reactRedux.connect) is not a function” error encountered in React/Redux. After guiding the learner on how to fix the issue, I decided to document the solution to aid others who might encounter the same error in the future.


This tutorial demonstrates the likely cause of the “_reactRedux.connect) is not a function” error in React/Redux, and how to fix the issue.


  • Basic knowledge of Javascript and React is required
  • A computer system with Node.js runtime engine installed
  • Proficient in the use of any modern code editors i.e. VS Code

Likely cause “_reactRedux.connect) is not a function” error

Typically this error occurs when you're trying to use the connect function from "react-redux" library, but it's not being imported correctly or it's not available. However, in the learner situation mentioned above, the actual cause was the use of version "^9.1.2" "react-redux" library in package.json which no longer supports the connect function.

How to fix:

Option 1

A quick fix is to change the "react-redux" from "^9.1.2" to "^7.2.6" in "package.json", then delete node_modules and re-run npm install && npm start. That should fix the issue.

Option 2:

A better approach would be to retain the "react-redux" dependency at "^9.1.2" and replace the "connect" function with the "useSelector" and "useDispatch" hooks. For example:

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

 // Inside your component const data = useSelector(state =>;

 const dispatch = useDispatch();
 // Use dispatch to trigger actions dispatch(yourAction());

Replace and actionMethod with the actual state and dispatch action.

That’s how simple it's to fix the "_reactRedux.connect) is not a function” error in React/Redux.

I hope this helps! Go to the contact page and let me know if you have any further questions.

Happy coding!

Additional resource:

Using React Redux docs

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